I met James while working as a waitress.  He came into my restaurant with his parents a couple times and there was this mutual chemistry.  There was just something about this guy that seemed cool and different.  He actually liked spending time with his parents!  And it always seemed like they were having a great time.  I wanted to just sit down and hang out with them!  Anyway, I was going out of town for a while but he had told me where he worked and said I should come by when I got back around.  I thought about him a couple times while I was away and made it a point to stop by his work when I got home.  I walked into the shop and I can tell he’s stoked to see me.  I’m really excited too!  We exchange numbers and he actually calls me a couple days later (wow!).  We make plans to hang out and see some music.

So we meet up at 8pm for dinner, and its amazing.  It’s as if I’ve known this guy for years.  The conversation just doesn’t stop.  So we’re having drinks over dinner and then head over to the bar to catch the show.

More drinking.  The band is rad.  More drinking.  Weeee!  This is fun!  I’m drunk!  Lets walk around campus.  Have you seen the balls on campus?  What??  You haven’t?  Omg.  Lets go, you gotta see this.

Shades of high school and college.  I haven’t had this much fun in years.  We kiss and walk back to his place and I’m just the right amount of buzzed for this.  Make out on the couch, I take my shirt off, he keeps telling me how beautiful I am.  He takes off my pants, this is so fucking hot.  Move on into the bedroom and its the best sex I’ve had in a long time.  Awesome.

Wake up in the morning a little shy (dang morning breath), but its good.  I don’t end up getting home until 1pm.  First date = success.

Over that week I hung out at his shop a couple times and we talked on the phone for 2 hours one night.  2 HOURS!  Wtf?  Am I sixteen??  Jeez.  All the times we talk he keeps saying how amazing I am, that he couldn’t believe I came into his shop, blah blah blah, 20 – 20 hindsite.  We weren’t going to see each other for a while because we’re both super busy but I got done with some family stuff early on Friday night and was downtown so I called to see if he wanted to come hang.  This is where the downward spiral begins.  I didn’t know it yet, but I was going to have an entire relationship in the course of a week and a half.  NEAT!

Alright, sooo, James says he doesn’t want to come downtown.  I say thats fine, I’ll hopefully see him sometime that weekend, no worries.  I’m watching my friend’s band downtown and James texts me.  We do some flirty texting back and forth and I say something like, “Would it be weird if I drunk dialed you later?”  He says, “I look forward to it,”.  Cool.

My friend’s band ends and its late and I’m tired so I text James saying just that and I would talk to him later, sorry no drunk dial tonight.  He texts me back and something about it made me think something was up (I don’t remember exactly, it was late, i was tired).  So I call him at 2am to see whats up but he doesn’t pick up.  I shrug my shoulders, stumble into bed, and crash OUT!  Yay!  Sleep!

Now, its 8am on Saturday morning and for some god knows what reason my eyes open.  Hmm…lets see if James called me back.  Oh look!  I’ve got a text!

“Thank you for reminding me never to fall in love”


I also have a voicemail from 3am.  The best I can gather from his message is he is pissed and doesn’t want to see me again because someone told him I was out on another date earlier that week.


Ok, admittedly, I had been on a date with someone else earlier that week, but who would have told him?  Why would he be so pissed after ONE DATE?!  Why would he throw away such an awesome thing?  Why am I awake at 8am?!?!

So I decide if he’s gonna act all high school, so am I.  At 8:30am, Saturday morning, I drive over to his house and wake his ass up.  Of course, he is very surprised to see me, and I’m livid (supposedly I’m pretty scary when mad).  I invite myself in and proceed to ask all the pertininent questions like….WTF HAPPENED WHILE I WAS ASLEEP???

His side of the story was, he hasn’t felt this way in a long time and he didn’t know how to handle it and when I texted him that I wasn’t going to drunk dial his mind went to some weird, dark, bad place and thought that I had ditched out on him and gone home with some random guy.  Right.  Ok.  Well, that’s completely not what I thought had happened.  But still pretty weird, and a little creepy.  I’m pretty much at a loss here as to how he could have come to that conclusion.  He seems like this totally confident guy, why would he be freaking out about this?  His friends have told him I like him.  I tell him I like him!  Why does it matter after ONE DATE?!  I should mention that, in the course of trying to figure all this out I told him about my date with the other guy.

He appologizes profusely saying it will never happen again.  I’m on the fence as to whether I want to see this guy again, but we end up hanging out all day and have a blast just talking.  I give him the benefit of the doubt and we make plans to go out again on Wednesday.  He doesn’t call me again all weekend.  Now, I know his parents are in town, but I text him twice and get no response and usually he’s really quick at getting back to me.  I hear nothing until I text him on Tuesday at 10pm to see if we’re still on for Wednesday.  I am also ready to throw in the towel because, well, people not texting you back even a quick message sucks balls.  So he finally calls me back and we talk for an hour and a half and solidify plans for the next day.

Wednesday rolls around and at 7pm he texts me asking if we can talk.  Oooooh this is bad.  But I’ve got this sick curiosity going at this point.  I call him.

James:  Hey, there are a couple things I’ve been thinking about since our talk on Saturday.  Can I ask you about them?
Me:  Um..sure.  Ask away. *in my head*  Jeezus, just ask the damn question!
James:  So that night you went out on that other date, you told me you were going out with a girlfriend.
Me:  No I didn’t. *omg, he’s crazy and still totally insecure*
James: Yes you did.
Me:  No I didn’t.  I wouldn’t have said that.  If I said anything about it at all, I would have said I’m going out with a friend. *I know I said I was going out with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while*
James:  No, you said girlfriend.
Me:  Jeezus, thats totally not my style, and anyway, whats your point?
James:  You did say girlfriend, but your right, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Me:  Right.  Next? *craaaazy!  but I really want to see where this is going*
James:  So you’re seeing other people, I don’t know how I feel about that.
Me:  Ok, well, I’m not ready after one date to just jump right in. *I understand that point of view but…ONE DATE!*
James:  Well, I think you’re not giving this a chance.
Me:  What?!  Just because I’m seeing other people doesn’t mean I’m not giving this a chance.  We’ve been on ONE DATE.  I don’t know you!  We go out a bunch of times, see if we like each other and then we have the girlfriend/boyfriend conversation.  Being monogamous is a conversation you need to have.
James:  Well I really disagree.  And I think you’re not into this.
Me:  Well, I don’t know you, so I’m not going to stop seeing other people just yet.  If you don’t like that, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to change my mind.  Ball’s in your court.  Still want to go out?
James:  I don’t think I do.
Me:  Ok.
James:  Ok.  Bye.
Me:  Take it easy!

Sigh.  So much for first impressions.